
abstract art, a systems view

James Kalm: an egg floating in the middle of a doily!

with 4 comments

I love James Kalm’s Rough Cuts videos on YouTube. He takes his bike and visits New York galleries with his camera and gets videoing. We get pictures and commentary in slightly hushed voice, with little asides like “there’s such and such” when we see someone, and we get information about the New York art scene and some thoughts about the paintings. Often you can hear the rustling of paper as he looks up the title in the gallery notes. When I go to galleries I get my camera out like it’s a crime and discretely take a photo, usually discovering to my surprise that it is actually OK to do so. James Kalm just marches in says “hi” to whoever is in there and takes us along with him via the magic of video.

His new one is Terry Winters: Cricket Music and Tessellation Figures at Matthew Marks. I like the self-portrait reflection we get when he photographs the signage through the gallery window. I was unfamiliar with Terry Winters’ work and there was no chance I would have been going over to NY to see the show (unless NY stood for North Yorkshire, then I would certainly have gone) so it works as a good introduction. Kalm’s commentary ranges from the banal “I kind of  like what he is doing here”, to the factual “tessellation figure 9”, to the hilarious “it almost gets figurative…it’s almost like an egg floating in the middle of a doily”.

Terry Winters has been a respected presence on the New York painting scene for decades now. His latest show ” Cricket Music and Tessellation Figures” is the first major presentation of new works since 2008. These pictures reveal a poetic application of the geometric concept of a gridded plane, it permutations through knotting and folding and the fragmentation of image and its re-composition.

Written by Andy Parkinson

April 24, 2012 at 7:45 am

4 Responses

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  1. Thanks Andy, Terry Winters,never knew of this artist but what a find!!!!!!


    April 24, 2012 at 12:01 pm

  2. I know what you mean about feel bad for getting your camera out. It’s definitely like that in London. I think the whole copyright thing is ridiculous concerning artists imagery, they’re quick enough to appropriate themselves and if you’re not making money out of something you should be allowed to use the imagery.

    Anyway that another debate. Interesting painter, will check this guys reviews out

    watching dry paint

    April 24, 2012 at 12:03 pm

  3. I loved this and this guys tone of voice is so mellow. Had a kind of soporific effect on me!


    April 24, 2012 at 12:30 pm

  4. Thanks all for your comments.
    Ljstetina, he is new to me too and I am enjoying looking him up. I doubt we have any to actually see in the UK.

    Watching dry paint, I agree with you entirely about copyright. I wonder sometimes who it actually serves, like data protection it is supposed to protect the “weak” but actually works for the benefit of the “strong” (large organisations and monied interests). Don’t get me going on that debate!

    Searchingtosee I am glad you liked James Kalm, I am becoming quite a fan myself and I am currently preparing a post specifically about him (he being a pseudonym).

    Andy Parkinson

    April 25, 2012 at 8:40 am

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